First post from the College Life!

29 09 2008

Like I mentioned from the previous post, the next time I will be blogging from will be at my dorm. College life, something I have been waiting for all summer. Surprisingly, I think my summer break was too long. My brain rusted so much. I hardly remember any of my Calculus! Egad indeed! It’s been exactly one week since I moved in and I already didn’t do a very good job at keeping my desk clean…

I always thought college movies are super exaggerated, but apparently, it’s pretty well portrayed. For instance, someone drew a penis on our whiteboard… *laughs* There are some things that I would like to mention but it’s pretty inappropriate to tell and I don’t like to gossip on blogs. So, I’m just going to leave it at that.

Enough about personal stuff. A little update on “Turf War.” A pretty recent change has been made to Wong Fu’s Nice Guy Contest, in which, Wong Fu will personally viewed all the videos and choose the Top 3. In addition, three other videos will also have a chance to have a special recognition by each of the Wong Fu members. We will have the result by October 3rd as mentioned on their main website. ( ) So wish “Turf War” good luck!

I don’t really have much to say. So I will present a video to keep you all busy at the moment.

Ninja Cat

This has been floating around the internet. I now believe it’s true that in order for you to have your video viral, you must have a cat. Hmm… Cat in my next video?